Six Month Countdown
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Yesterday was start day; it didn’t happen. The problem is simple; it is Chinese New Year’s and absolutely nothing is open. The bank is closed, so I couldn’t take out any money for purchasing a new gym membership. The gym is closed, so I couldn’t get my running shoes from out of my locker. The majority of stores are closed, so I can’t buy new runners on a whim. It’s unimaginable, the roadblocks.
Wednesday is the first day things start opening up. Therefore I am left with the only option of strength training. There is no giving up. Alex has some weights at home, and everything else can be improvised. Alex is so amazing; we finally arrived at the gym to find out it was closed and in my panic he had me drop all my gear and do squats. He was shouting, “See this is fitness: it can happen anywhere, all the time.” Laughing, I participated in his mini workout. Alex’s positive attitude and motivational spirit is like water in the desert when things are going wrong. Thank you, baby!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Chinese New Years 2007

Today is February 17, 2007 and I am enjoying Spring Festival in Qingdao China. A New Year here and in good old fashion western tradition I feel compelled to make a fresh start in my life. I want to be healthier. Recently I was surfing the Women's Health website and found a great workout program. Its a six month program and focuses on all parts of physical fitness: cardio, strength, flexibility, balance, flexibility, and agility.
I took the pre test that they have to check inital skills, and further progress: I did worst than I expected. Two years ago, I was running everyday and I guess I have been living in my accomplishments of the past before I took this fitness test two days ago. I haven't been able to gain the same determination that I did back then. I keep making good attempts, but somehow I find away to get out of the workouts. This program and some accoutability by creating this blog is my new approach for this new year. Today, I am going to get everything I need to get this thing going, and I will begin tomorrow. Wish me luck and I hope you have a fantastic Chinese New Year!